Hello World! Its been a while since we last visited. As the old saying goes... "No news is good news".
Life has been good and crazy around here.
Crazy enough- that I have yet to give you an up-date on the
El Salvador missions trip- so lets begin there...
-El Salvador-
We had an amazing experience with the entire family flying into San Salvador and being immersed into the El Salvadorian culture for almost 2 weeks. Our flights out were delayed by the wonderful South Dakota wintry weather- but once we made it to E Salvador- life was pretty perfect. We went to the church every week day we were there and they prayed over the entire family and loved on us every minute they could.
Before we left- we asked for money and clothing donations. Our requests were answered in a HUGE way. We were able to purchase 915 gideon bibles, pack them up, haul them down, and distribute them among the El Salvadorian people in the Auchuapan area. We also took 3 suitcases full of used clothing down for the people to use and distribute among their families. (yes- we used every part of every bag we took with us! Thank goodness we took the family- which provided more "free" checked bags!! The weight limit per bag was 50 lbs, and every bag (6 of them) we checked was 50 or 50.5 lbs.... "little" miracles make me smile. :D )
I can't even begin to explain the thankfulness among the people for the bibles and the clothing they received. Many of them would take a little bible- look at it and hand it back- thinking it was really nice, but too nice for them to keep. Their faces shone like the sun when we would say "Para ti, Para ti" (for you, for you). It was an experience of a lifetime- and we are so grateful that many of you were a part of it. Thank you for your contributions and prayers along the way!
Since we returned- the girls and the family have been doing well. Denalli had a check-up in January that showed she had gained strength between the doctor visits. Praise the Lord! Ryka continues to be as healthy as ever.
~Life now~
In October I purchased an embroidery machine- to start a business that would be self-sustainable for the girls' medical equipment- and the Lord has blessed it. By God's grace- I was able to have a booth at the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City.
Sales were fantastic- and I look forward to going back next year. I also met some amazing people that gave me good connections to more shows down the line.
Through connections and lots of encouragement- I sent in an application for the Academy of Country Music Awards (50th anniversary) in Arlington, TX. At the last minute they had a cancelation and choose Prairie Faith Designs to come and be a part of their selective show. I invited a friend to go with me- (Dally Up Designs) and we drove down to Arlington, Tx- and had a trip of a lifetime!
Currently- applications have been filed for more craft shows this summer and possibly a booth at the National Finals Rodeo in LasVegas.
I'll keep ya posted. ;)
So- as I said earlier- Prairie Faith Designs was created to help support the financial needs of the girls' medical equipment. (Basically- the girls need medical equipment. And will continue to need medical equipment. But, I don't have the heart to keep fund-raising and begging people for money. So therefore- I am putting my heart, soul and time into creating a business that will grow and be self sustainable for their needs. The only thing I ask of you, is to share my products with your friends. All the products I offer- look like leather, feel like leather, are competitively priced, are Hand made and are MACHINE WASHABLE! )
Facebook: Prairie Faith Designs
Web site: www.PrairieFaithDesigns.com
Right now, Ryka is in need of a power-chair.
She is needing the same K405 Permobil- like the one we
fund-raised for Denalli.
The price tag on this specialized chair is above $40,000.
We are a quarter of the way there. Once we save 1/2 the money needed- we will look into purchasing the chair and making payments.
Thanks in advance for your sharing and advertising! :D
~Up- Next~
We have a BIG summer ahead.
Full of changes and growth.
Announcement on the way.
No- its not a baby announcement...
I'll catch ya soon~
One BLESSED mommie