Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Who is One BLESSED mommie?

Well, in short, One BLESSED mommie is a young mother, who has 5 beautiful children 5 yrs and under, that has been blessed beyond belief. Yup, that pretty much sums it up!

In a few more words: I am a dreamer, creator and lover of life. I love my God, my Cowboy and my children more than words can say. Most days are just plum crazy, but a good cup o'coffee always helps smooth things out. When I am not reading stories to little ones, or doing dishes, laundry, and floors, you can find me in my "heaven" /craft room creating something on my sewing machine or filling orders for my etsy store: One BLESSED mommie.

 Along with having 5 beautiful children in 5 years, 2 of my 5 children have a genetic disorder that weakness all the muscles in their bodies. They have the horrible disease called: Spinal Muscular Atrophy type II. My oldest daughter was diagnosed when she was 14 months old and my youngest daughter was diagnosed when she was 2 weeks old. Through many prayers and lots of support, we are where we are today.

I gotta run for now, but will be back soon to share with you a daily dose of OBM- One BLESSED mommie!

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