Sunday, October 27, 2013

An evening in the saddle- (An older post that never got published...)

How blessed we are to live the life we do! Here are some fun pics of this summer when we were able to saddle up the horses and go out for a family ride. Sorry for the delay in posting this... Hope you enjoy seeing pics of green grass and sunny days! :) 

 Denalli, her baby, and Casey on "chris". Chris is a colt that Casey trained last winter... she turned out to be such a jem! At the end of the ride, Denalli informed us that her baby "liked it very much!!". 

Here I am with Denalli and our trusty old steed- Cisco. The wind was blowing, the grass was green, and it smelled heavenly!
 Fun fact: This wonderful horse carried me to the wedding alter! (~love him so very much~)  

 Snickers brings nothing but smiles and giggles to the little cowboy and cowgirl. Our friends gave us Snickers last summer, and the kids enjoyed her SO SO much! She was especially good for Denalli. Snickers' stride was shorter than a big horse, and Denalli was able to hold on better and ride with confidence. But, unfortunately; Snickers passed away- due to the winter storm "atlas" that came at the beginning of October. Our hearts are sad for the loss of such a good little pony... 

 My little pebbles always has smiles for the camera. She really enjoys her saddle time and can't wait to take off on her own. I can though... boy how the days fly by! It seems like yesterday it only took 2 horses to go on a "family ride"... Now we are all doubled up or tripled up when it comes to a "family ride"! Casey just got done training 2 colts this last winter (Chris being one of them), but he had better keep going and get another couple more a-goin' to satisfy the little cowboy and cowgirls coming up!!

 Such fun times! Thank-you Lord for the life that we are able to live! 

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