Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dream Came True!

Okay- so last time we spoke, 
(over a moth ago... oops! Where did that time go?!?) 
Denalli was about to turn SEVEN and she and DallieJo were going to try out for the Faith Stock Show Princess Contest.

Well- to say the least- 
The entire experience was so neat and wonderful and 
fully emotional... 

You see- Denalli can ride a horse, but not without help. 

And generally in a princess competition, the princesses have to ride by themselves. 

something SUPER SPECIAL happened...
 the coordinator of the event let Denalli be a part of the experience, regardless of her physical limitations.

It was a Dream Come True.... 

And beyond that- 
it was a huge moral booster for Denalli. 

It showed her that that she can be a part of "normal" activities, regardless of her power-chair. 

So- without further delay- 
Here are some snapshots of DallieJo and Denalli Living LIFE! 

~The two princesses all dolled up~ 

~Just being sisters~

~If any of you personally know Denalli- this is the expression she uses when there is so much excitement built up inside of her, that she can hardly stand it. Basically- it equates to any other child doing an extreme happy dance... ~

~ I don't know about you, but I see an amazing young girl that is going to Change the world~ 

~All the cute little princess contestants~ 

~One Proud Daddy and His Beautiful Princesses~

~Mommie and Denalli before the horsemanship class~ 

~Daddy giving last minute advice to the princess~ 

~ This is DallieJo out in the arena. Her horse gave her a little bit of trouble, but she stuck with her and succeeded! ~ 

~DallieJo talking to the judges and answering their questions.... 

Okay- who am I kidding?!? This is DallieJo sitting in front of the Judges and smiling at them while they ask her questions. Talking to people is not her forte' right now... ~

~Denalli all excited to go ride through her horsemanship pattern~ 

~This is the DallieJo that keeps us laughing all day long~ 

~ DallieJo- you are an amazing little Cowgirl ~ 

~Our SUPER Amazing Little Princess~ 

At the end of the day- Denalli ended up winning the 
"Miss Congeniality" award. 

This was so very special- because they only give out one of these awards throughout the entire princess/queen group, 
and there were 13 girls that competed. 

"Miss Congeniality" was voted on by all the other girls, and Denalli seemed to win all their hearts... go figure! ;) 

She received a pink backpack and other little treasures that topped off the days' excitement. 

Denalli also won 2nd runner-up, which equates to 3rd place. YAY!!

DallieJo received a goodie bag full or treasures and a day packed full of learning adventures.

This mama couldn't be more proud... 

To the coordinator and judges of this event- 
a HUGE heartfelt thank you, happy tears and gratitude that I can't begin to express in words... 
You all were Amazing! 

I am so very grateful for the opportunity to have had both my beautiful daughters be a part of the evert and I look forward to many more queen competitions in the future!!


Now- I have some more BIG NEWS to share.... 

This Truck Pulled into our driveway and Delivered a package.... 

Any guesses on what it could be?!? 

Stay tuned for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT thats going to make more Dreams Come True!! 



One BLESSED mommie

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