Friday, August 9, 2013

Participate - Donate - MAKE A DIFFERENCE

Tomorrow will be the third annual 5K to CURE SMA. This year we are raising funds for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. (

Denalli requests that you come out and support this event. Denalli herself will be racing in her power-chair and Ryka will be pushed in a stroller. 

Look at her GO!

Why not participate?!? YOU have the opportunity/privilege to WALK or RUN! 

Why not show YOU care about THOUSANDS of other kids that will never have the chance, the opportunity or strength to walk or stand on their own? 

What a HUGE gift you have. You CAN WALK! 


 Walking 3 Miles=1 HOUR

1HOUR= changing the LIVES of so many!

 Participate- Donate- MAKE A DIFFERENCE

See you tomorrow: 7:30am at the Durkee Lake Boat Dock. 


1 comment:

  1. Love that video of her!! She's gotten so big and grown up compared to then.
