Saturday, February 17, 2018

So- What does it really take?

We have seen it all....

The "picture perfect" life that your high school friends portray.

The "picture perfect" marriage that your best friend shows off.

The "picture perfect" kids that wear the "picture perfect" outfits.


The "picture perfect" job that everyone around you talks about.

But what about life?

You know-



The kind of LIFE that we have to endure every day?

The typical LIFE that is messy,


and flat out;


What happened to talking about messes, mountains of laundry, dirty sinks,

cluttered floors and uncombed hair?

Since when did it become taboo to share the reality of a real day?

If we are being honest;

I have found myself shying away from showing my "real life",

Believe it or not;

I try my best to polish things up (as best as possible)-

"just to make it look good".


Why should I hide behind my day to day,

that adds up to my life?

Why should I feel like I have to "polish things up"?

The conclusion I have come to:

We all think we want something perfect.

We want the success right away.

Thats part of the "instant gratification" society that we live in.

Its scary to show our "real life".

And its scary to show the Process of success.


What if we put ourselves out there?

What if others knew the inside of our story?

What if we would allow ourselves

 to lay down the perfectness of todays

 "highlight real",

and share,

you know-


and the journey of our success.

What if others knew that I homeschool 5 kids out of our living room?

What if others knew that our family of 7 lives a FULL life, in a 1200 square foot home?

What if others knew that the office for my global business,

 is half of an 8 foot folding table,

while the other half,

 is used as our family dining table?

What if others could see that my



and HARD,


Just like everyone elses...

Now- don't get me wrong-

I understand that I can't look like a nightmare,

 if I am trying to sell the dream-


On the flip side-

What if others could relate to my "real life"?

What if the parts of my life that I am "covering up",

are the parts of life that would encourage someone else to keep going


Get started?

What if we would finally realize that its truly OKAY.

Its okay to show the failures,

the struggle,

the messes,

the beginning,

and the realness of our day to day.

Its okay to show our REAL LIFE.

You know why?

Because, change is inevitable,

I know that my life won't always look this way,

and I know that yours will be different too.

There won't always be;

 cramped spaces,

messy floors,

full sinks...

Lots of things are going to change,

as we are not all promised tomorrow.

Sure- there will always be chaos, clutter and messy hair.

and there will always be an internal urge to show a "highlight real",

But, what if we did our best to "keep it real",

and told the story of our journey as it unfolded-

not how we portrayed it to be?


We can choose to tell ourselves that;

we are too broke,

too busy,

not qualified,

too old,

too young,


too inadequate, 

OR, on the flip side;

We can decide to make the change.

We can truly decide today, how tomorrow looks.

We can make the time,

find the money,

invest in training,

pursue our dreams,


create a life we love.

How do I know this?

Because its been done,

and I am actively in the process of doing it.

I am sure you have all heard the success stories of:

 Oprah Winfrey, Sam Walton and J.K Rowling.

They are all perfect examples of

individuals who completely transformed their hard beginnings into success stories .


They decided to make a change in the direction they were originally headed.

Their lives were:




and deprived.

Just like you,

they had their own "real life" story.

But, They didn't let their circumstances

hold them back from creating a life of success.

They chose to be different.

They choose to make their dreams come true and their lives matter.

And you know what?

YOU too have the power to make the change,

and the power to create your own success.


I understand that success looks different for everyone.

Its not always about:

 the big houses,

7 figure incomes,

and vacation homes.

For some,

 success may be:

 paying for extra curricular activities for their children,

or paying for medical needs,

or being able to give more,

or building a dream home,

or traveling the world,

or retiring early,


being at home to raise your children.

We all have our personal hopes and dreams.

and our personal ideas of success.

And do you know what the best part is?

We all have ample time and resources to make them come true.

If you still have blood flowing through your body,

You, my friend,

still have a chance to make an impact on this world.

You still have what it takes to make your life, what you want it to be.

You can decide to hide behind the "highlight real" of social media,

or you can live your life how you truly want to live it,

starting today.


to create a life that you dream of?





Thats all.

It doesn't all have to be polished,

It doesn't have to be perfect,

But it does have to have a beginning.

Stop hiding behind your fears,

and start running after the opportunities that are in front of you.

Be real,


Share your "real life" story along the way.

Commit to making a change,

and in return,

you will make the greatest impact.


I'm happy you are reading this in the middle of my success story.

I'd love to say that the "best is yet to come"....

But I believe that the "best" is right here,

right now.

You get a front row seat,

as you watch my life be transformed,

because of the direction I choose to go.

No matter what it may look like today-

within a matter of time,

It will be transformed into a life where I will:

give without limits,

build a dream home for my family,

impact lives around me,

retire my husband early,

pay for all of my kids' college education
(before they graduate high school),

help others live a life of freedom,

travel the world,

and truly live the life I desire.

I am committed to to showing you all the ups and downs,

and all the struggles and failures along the way-

I am committed to "keeping it real".

I hope to inspire you to make a change,

Pursue your idea of success

and keep running after life on YOUR terms.


Anything is possible.





~ Natosha Mae~

* Natosha is a Blessed Mama to 5, Ranch Wife and Business Owner. She enjoys free lance writing and is pursuing her dreams through a global business. Feel free to reach out and ask questions regarding the steps she is taking to transform her life.

1 comment:

  1. You, my friend, are amazing. It inspires me more than I can say, the way that you choose to see the good and choose to pursue your dreams in the midst of the challenges that others might use as an excuse. You. Are. Awesome. God is using you to bless people you don’t even know, and He certainly is blessing those around you by getting to witness your courage and passion for life! I am blessed to know you. And I mean that straight from my heart. ❤️
